Graphic novel news

Saturday, May 08, 2004

New titles from Titan 

The latest batch of books from Titan has come through. On the shelves now you should find Alien Legion: Tenants of Hell and Green Arrow: Straight Shooter. The Alien Legion title follows on from On the Edge, reprinting the Epic Comics series; while the Green Arrow title follows Sounds of Violence, with Judd Winick replacing Kevin Smith as writer.

Looking forward, 21 May sees the UK release of The Authority: Harsh Realities, the continuing saga of Warren Ellis's superheroes, with Robbie Morrison on script and Dwayne Turner on visuals, reprinting issues 0 to 5 of Volume 2 of the monthly comic book. Buffy fans should look forward to 25 June when Stake to the Heart is released, which promises to fill the gap left between the movie and the TV series.


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