Alterna Comics trio

Alterna Comics may be new to some of our readers but the independent publisher’s line-up looks worthy of further investigation. Publishing both comics and graphic novels in a range of different genres, highlights from the stable include:

Jesus Hates Zombies
Because he would, wouldn’t he? In fact, when the world is almost completely taken over by zombies in the very-near-future setting of this book, God feels compelled to initiate the second coming, and send his son back down to the world to battle the zombie threat. As you might guess, this is tongue-in-cheek zombie-bashing fun, complete with a long-haired, bearded messiah, ready to show the undead that God won’t stand for their shambling nonsense.

For a more serious read consider Birth. This tells the story of two alien races who battle one another to near extinction in a horrific and bloody war. When the smoke clears and it seems that all is lost, the only hope left for these battered species is that they can work out their differences and form an uneasy peace. But can such great rifts ever be truly healed?

Diary of the Black Widow
If you thought the past was a more innocent and less-violent place to live, you clearly haven’t run into the femme fatale protagonist of Diary of the Black Widow. Having found herself particularly adept at seducing and murdering innocent suitors, she finally runs into trouble when a bowler-hatted detective unwittingly wanders into her web of intrigue and corpses. The question is, will he uncover her evil doing and make it out alive, or end up as another of her victims?

Jesus Hates Zombies - cover Birth - cover Diary of the Black Widow - cover
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