Graphic novel reviews
A great big long list of all the reviews published on Grovel over the last few years.
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Tyler Cross: Angola
Tyler Cross: Black Rock
Uber: Volume 1
Umbrella Academy, The 1: Apocalypse Suite
Unbeatable 2: Hotter than Hell
Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., The
Understanding Comics
Underwater Welder, The
Unwanted, The
Unwritten, The 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity
Upgrade Soul: Collector’s Edition
V for Vendetta
Valerian – The Complete Collection Volume 1
Vampire Loves
Vicar Woman, The
Victorian Undead: Sherlock Holmes vs. Zombies
Violent Cases
Vision, The
Vlad the Impaler
Voices in the Dark
Walking Dead, The: Volume 1 – Days Gone Bye
Waltz with Bashir
War Fix
War of the Two Kings
War Stories Vol. 1
War Stories Vol. 2
Warhammer 40,000: Will of Iron
Waveform – Load 1: Apple “O” and the Dyonik Faction
Wayne Shelton 1 – The Mission
Wayne Shelton 2 – The Betrayal
When the Wind Blows
Whispers in the Walls
Why Are You Doing This?
Wild Pig Mandibles and a Drawing
Wild West 1: Calamity Jane
With Only Five Plums Book 1: The Time Before
With Only Five Plums Book 2: This Dark Age
Wolverine: Prodigal Son Volume 1
Woodland Creatures: Volume 1
World War X Book 1: Helius
Wrong Place, The
X’ed Out
XIII 1: The Day of the Black Sun
XIII 2: Where the Indian Walks
XIII 3: All the Tears of Hell
Zenith: Phase 1
Zombo: Can I Eat You, Please?